Friday, March 8, 2013

Tasha Tells It All

Tasha: Come on Shaunna, work with me.

Tasha: What you said?

Zac: What are you watching?
Tasha: Come see, you will like this one.

Tasha (to me): What are you doing to daddy's son?

Tasha: This is my dude! (referring to Nikolaus)

Tasha: What was that noise?
Me: Your tummy made that sound
Tasha: I think there is a turtle in there.
Me: How did a turtle get in your belly?
Tasha: Through my belly button.  And the turtle is going fast fast fast.  But the baby turtle is going slow.
(such a little story teller)

Tasha: I'm so excited about the future!

Pictures of Tasha from the past month:
Swinging at the park

At Pretend City

Making a craft

Giving Nikolaus some love

Taking her baby for a stroll

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3 Months Old

Morning Smiles

Smiling at daddy

"What's Up?"

Nikolaus loves bath time

Sissy loves to give Nikolaus a bath

Love this face!

3 Months old!

Starting to get some chunk on him

Not too sure what to think of his sister

Our mister man is 3 months old and smiling and cooing constantly.  He is still nursing like a champ and he is an awesome sleeper.  For the past week he has given me a 5 to 6 hour stretch followed by another 2 to 3 hours before waking up for the day.  We have a pretty good night time routine for him, so I think that helps.  And since he enjoys bath time so much, we will be adding that into our daily routine before bed.  Nikolaus still takes cat naps during the day (usually when we are on the go), but will have a longer afternoon nap at home... just wish Natasha would nap too!  Besides cooing and smiling, Nikolaus loves to watch his sister and does a pretty good job putting up with her constant smothering.  And he is starting to get chunky, which I love.  We will find out how much he has grown at his 4 month well check on the 28th.