Tasha: Come on Shaunna, work with me.
Zac: What are you watching?
Tasha: Come see, you will like this one.
Tasha (to me): What are you doing to daddy's son?
Tasha: This is my dude! (referring to Nikolaus)
Tasha: What was that noise?
Me: Your tummy made that sound
Tasha: I think there is a turtle in there.
Me: How did a turtle get in your belly?
Tasha: Through my belly button. And the turtle is going fast fast fast. But the baby turtle is going slow.
(such a little story teller)
Tasha: I'm so excited about the future!
Pictures of Tasha from the past month:
Swinging at the park
At Pretend City
Making a craft
Giving Nikolaus some love
Taking her baby for a stroll