(doctor confirmed that she is getting not one, not two,
not three, but four of her top teeth in... yikes, our poor baby)
(she is also keeping an eye on the balloons)
Wow, a whole year has flown by and we now have a toddler (although she will always be my baby). Natasha had a great 1st Birthday and a very nice sugar high that kept her up until almost 10pm last night. She was having such a good time with family (especially Cooper), that I didn't want her to miss out on all the fun by putting her to bed early. The day started with her 12 month check-up and unfortunately 3 shots. She was a trooper though and only cried for a little bit. Before the dreaded needles, she was all smiles and entertaining us with her throwing skills. Natasha has hit all her developmental milestones for 12 months, except for clapping. But, the doctor counted high 5's and tapping two objects together to make noise... yay!
Here are her stats:
Weight - 22 lbs. 10 oz. (70th percentile)
Length - 29 2/3" (75th percentile)
Head Circumference - 45.5 cm (65% percentile)
Overall - Perfectly Proportionate!
After her appointment, Natasha got to spend some quality time with Grandma Lou, while I went to pick up the goodies for the party. Later in the day our family came over for pizza and cupcakes to celebrate the big occasion. Natasha had a great time with Cooper and he was so good with her... giving her many kisses. And like I mentioned above, she enjoyed her birthday cupcake a lot... maybe too much!
One year ago, 10 inches shorter and 15 lbs. lighter, our precious baby, Natasha entered our world. We have had so much fun getting to know our little girl... her smiles, her giggles and her little quirks. We have watched her track our faces with those beautiful brown eyes; grab our finger with those chubby little hands; lift her head off of our chests; roll over from tummy to back and then eventually back to tummy; rock back and forth on all fours waiting for her to crawl at 8 months, when actually she waited until 9 months to move forward; pull herself up and not know how to sit back down; and take her first itty bitty steps towards me without holding onto to anything. And lets not forget her constant blabbering... our little chatterbox. All this in one year! What will she accomplish in her second year of life? We can't wait to find out!
Thank you to all our family and friends who read our blog and enjoy watching Natasha grow as much as we do!
Happy Birthday, baby girl! You've accomplished so much wonderful growing and learning in just 1 year! Kyra can't wait to play with her now 1 year old BFF!